Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Well, it is now that time of year when school has finished and everyone is preparing for christmas. We have had our last 3 assembly's and it was wonderful to see room ten pupils ackniwledged for all their outstanding achievements in Te Reo (Maori), english, the arts, science, cooking, hard materials and many more. I would like to say that it has been a wonderful year with all of the students from Room Ten MIS and I look forward to hearing of all your successes in the coming year. Have a wonderful break and remember......
Don't fear failure, give everything a go, and always give it your best!

Kia Kaha
Miss F

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Roller Coaster Sharing

Room 3, 6, and 10 have been making Roller Coasters for about 7 weeks now. We held a sharing time today under our dome, this was a great chance for everyone to show off their designs and their tracks. We also judged the Roller Coasters and came up with 3 that really stood out....

This team was the overall winner as their Roller Coaster had height, gravity, variables in loops and different uses of all the elements. It was fast and really was an exciting run. Well done Boys from Room 3.

This Team won the prize for the most stable and well built frame as well as a neat track. Well done Girls from Room 3.

This Team won the prize for the most compact and busy track that had a number of interesting jumps and turns. Well done Girls from Room 10.

All 3 classes worked extremely hard on their Roller Coasters and all deserve a big congratulations.
Room 6 Had an outstanding Roller Coaster that had a crocodile mouth and some amazing original designs, unfortunately it was ruined.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our new Friends

Check out the new Blog we are about to add to our Blog roll.....

This Blog says "We are an eager group of learners who are excited about sharing our thinking and learning this school year. We are 5th and 6th graders who live in California."