Sunday, February 8, 2009

Room Tens Mission Statement

Room Ten decided to write their own Mission statement.

1. Discussed what a mission statement is (A statement that defines a purpose)
2. Wrote a class brainstorm of words that we felt were important to our class.
3. Got into groups of 5 and wrote our statements.
4. Shared back and voted on the top 2 statements and combined all the parts we felt valuable and came up with this .......

To have fun while learning. To be a knowledgable risk taker with all opportunities. We will always try our best and know it is ok to make mistakes while expanding our bubble of knowledge. Our life is developing every second and success is our friend!

From the 2 chosen mission statements we combined we would like to thank: Christina, Luke, James, Jessica, and shannon (Rm 10)


  1. Sounds like you are going to have a great year together. That is a mission statement adults would be proud of.
    I look forward to coming back here and seeing how your year progresses.
    Mrs Burt

  2. Wow! There's so much about your Mission statement that appeals to me - probably because by collaborating you've come up with some very powerful shared ideas. That's what we call impressive thinking !
    And YES - Your lives are definitely developing every second so you should never under-estimate your ability to achieve success. Have a top year Room 10 people. I'm looking forward to reading your thinking about the Vince Ford book.
    Mrs D
    e-Learning Facilitator

    Mrs Dyet

  3. As a parent it is great to see that the children have such mature and thoughtful ideas. Room 10 sounds a great class to be a part of, wish my years (long ago) were as great as they are now with you and your class, Miss Feasey! Well done.
